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Old 02-25-2011, 08:31 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
hey Sun...nice to see you posting and thats totally sincere
Good post....i agree. Im all for it as long as it doesnt become a blanket policy for alot of lakes.
Thanks... I think the poll is interesting. Out of 122 votes...only 5 (4 %) want to catch and harvest lots of small fish (5 a day). In general the implication seems to suggest that most people want to catch more fish...which implies they don't see the 5 fish limits working where they are currently used.

28 or 23 % want 3 or 5 fish to harvest at a shot. 94 or 77% want 1 or fewer with 53 or 43% wanting no harvest at all.

I am in fact amazed at this poll...I would of expected a higher number of people wanting to concentrate on maximizing harvest versus maximizing recreational value of just "catching" more fish.

I think one still needs to look at the question and extrapolate that people are being greedy in their selection of answer insofar as "their favorite lake" is concerned. If someone has easy or regular access to a are more likely to be protective of the fishery and your personal opportunity to "catch" fish. If the question was...if you were just passing by on holidays and found a nice lake which you are unlikely to fish ever again...would you want to...harvest 5, 3, 1 or none. I suspect the answer may swing to an increased harvest since the individual would not have any personal connection to the lake nor any concern about the lake being fished out as they would likely not fish it again.

Interesting mix of sociology and fisheries management.

My analysis is purely a guess on my part.
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