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Old 02-27-2011, 03:50 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
pardon my ignorance or what ever other things you may call me....but if thats true and the majority dont want a 5 fish limit....then i must assume the majority are helping the cause by taking fewer or no fish at all....which then brings me to the point....will any proposed changes - change things?
simply put if the majority dont want a 5 fish limit...they must be self regulating themselfs and the minority are still keeping 5 fish.
Interesting point. Near as I can tell however the answer to your question comes from the finite nature of the resource. There are way more people taking their 5 fish daily limit than taking nothing. So the fish get depleted fast but not near as fast as if everyone took them all. People that release do help...but it does not stop the depletion problem in places. The other factor is some people are making lots of trips to harvest and in turn but that is their right under the 5 fish a day limit.

Those that want to just catch and release fish along with a great chance at bigger ones have few options compared to the norm of put and take fisheries. So far everyone wanting more options are not asking to eliminate put and take fisheries as they stand now.

It really comes down to fishing pressure...not all lakes get the same pressure. That is were F&W need to do their research when selecting which lakes should be put and take and which should be quality etc.
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