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Old 02-28-2011, 07:14 AM
Don Andersen Don Andersen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Central Alberta
Posts: 1,807

In order to understand where we're going we must understand where we were.
From the 49th to the Edmonton area I've had the good fortune of catching trout over 5 lbs. with most of the larger fish caught some years ago. That was Quality Fishing.

Now if I traveled the same route I might get a chance in one single lake of a 5 lbs. fish. Obviously not a Quality fishery.

Now some folks want to return this Province to what it was and the few, by looking @ the poll - very few are saying that they don't want to catch decent sized fish.

The real question is - if the few want a lake where they can kill @ their hearts content - lets give them a few - maybe 10 or being a little magnanimous - maybe 20.

But no - in order to entertain the 12" fish crowd, we make every lake but 2 crap fisheries.

Is this ass-backwards or what.

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