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Old 02-28-2011, 07:35 PM
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chubbdarter chubbdarter is offline
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Originally Posted by DuckBrat View Post
17 of lets say 300 Trout fisheries =5.6%, Alberta Wide-661,848 square kilometers

Manitoba's Parkland Area 32,000 Square KM's 20 of 43 fisheries in one small area managed for trophy trout experience. 20/43=46%

Yes I know Manitoba has more lakes but Wow we are lacking of good trout Management.

We definitely have disconnect forming between the demographics as the fear builds towards the Fly fishing community. What's to fear? For the most part this group tends to be more geared toward conservation, sustainability, sharing, C&R, and low impact (less litter) usage. How many fisheries that have been improved had someone with Flyfishing roots involved? Many.

Once again a limited harvest can be had for those that absolutely love the taste of slough trout.

I loved the settling for Hot dogs and a Pilsner comment earlier in this thread because that is exactly what some are all about here. Sad how even good/proven change can make people fearful.


hahahahhaahaha im a flyfisher TOO, with that said most of them break down this way.....60 percent cant catch a big fish if their life depended on it....20 percent are nose in air better than the rest....10 percent wouldnt stop to help a kid learn jack crap about fishing....the last 10 percent are good guys , know their stuff and are approach-able.

I fear no Fly fisherman!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as ive stated many times i fear for the ones who dont entertain themselfs on the internet.....or a 3 year old that sits on the bank waiting for the bobber to dip.

now im informed there are 17 lakes in Alberta under quality regulations.....and not one person has spoken up to say IT WORKED! is that proven?

Im done with this thread if people cant understand simple fact...Im fighting for the traditional graduation of the life of a fisherman.....some people seem to forget their apprenticeship to where they are now.....but ya thats the world now....forget the ones you leave behind because youve reached your destination. Thats a great example
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