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Old 02-28-2011, 08:08 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
i agree Sun....there is a good chance the bug catching, bird watching choco eating kid who chucks lead will become a flyfisherman some day....but every kid deserves that piece of his or her life....its cog in the gear that makes us fisherman.
im not in total agreement with your easier statement....i hope your not saying flyfishing is a government regulation to conserve fish...because if thats a fact....i want flyfishing banned and only single spin reels and 15 foot noodle rods be used.
Even float fishing taken to the extreme is a real science.
In the end im not totally against your proposal.
But i fear more people will suffer than benifit....and i mean the people who dont entertain themselfs on the internet and children who fish.
Yes i know people say the kids can change techniques and some will. But the bobber and worm is highly effective in a highly stocked pond. Some families have limited time and very limited budgets.
All i ask is dont Rail road this proposal so it becomes the standard for regulations.....Remember the average joe fisherman please.

I may seem more of an anomaly to you for a variety of reasons...but as someone who fishes to catch fish...I know for a fact...some days bait fishing catches more...other days fly fishing catches more...and other days spin fishing catches more. I am not say one is better than the other...but from a challenge perspective...matching natures hatches or mimicking natures bugs etc. can be more challenging that eliciting an aggressive response strike on a spinner or spoon etc.

I don't think you should fear a loss of value to recreational fishing for kids nor adults. The chances of catching trout will increase as well as the entertainment value in some larger fish that will fight more. Realize also that this occurs only on those lakes with special regs. The standard put and take lakes will likely always exist if there is a market for it. That market is for guys like you, your neighbour, others on AOF etc. Not for any one guy posting too much.

I am a Joe Fisherman. I am also very versatile in how I fish. Therefore I value that option for everyone. I have my kids using spinning gear and trying fly fishing if they like. I also raise my own mealworms in the I am not a fanatical bait fisherman, spin fisherman or fly fisherman.

I should say however that flies and a bobber at Bullheads is cheaper than buying worms (unless you dig em up like I do ) Also I would bet flies and bobber catch more than a bait rig in the long run. At least in my years of experience.

The majority of people want better opportunities to catch fish...not make fishing worse. Those that voted on this poll strongly suggests that and I hope F&W takes the time to make fishing better.
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