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Old 03-01-2011, 02:12 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by Bigtoad View Post
And the lakes that you do regularly catch 20" fish, you better guard them like the holy grail, because there will be less and less isolated lakes and more and more fishermen. My guess is that in 5 years you will be back on this forum complaining that the places you used to be able to catch bigger fish and find a little solitude, are not nearly what they used to be. That is of course, unless more restrictive regs and better stocking rates are implemented on MANY more waterbodies (no, not all...relax) to better reflect the growing number of anglers and the concerns of those anglers.
The lakes that I fish in are not a big secret to people. IMO The reason that they are as good as they are is because allot of anglers are just too lazy to go out of their way to fish them. If you don't want to drive 2 hours to get to one of them then that's your problem. I can't see that attitude changing anytime soon so I figure that 5 years from now the lakes will still be the same as they are today.

Just to clarify about the lakes that I fish. I don't catch a 20" trout everytime I catch a fish, like in a "quality" lake. I might catch only eatin sized ones one day, a dozen 16" sized the next, a mix the next and nothing, yet the next. Every once in awhile I might catch a 20" trout which is something special to me.

Like someone mentioned in an earlier post, catching allot of 20" fish all of the time gets real old real fast. I figure that the only way of curing people of this "big fish all of the time only" syndrome is for you to go somewhere where you can do it and keep you there until you're sick of catching them. After the thrill has worn off a bit then you wouldn't mind going out to fish just for the enjoyment of fishing, regardless of what size of fish you catch.
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