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Old 03-02-2011, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Bigtoad, I'm not slamming you with the following comments about your poll can create any poll that you want in order to achieve the results that you desire. Whether consciously or not, that is what happened with your poll IMO. The choices that were presented, other than for the C&R anglers that have no interest in eating fish, created a skewed poll. No big surprise there.

If you worded the poll differently or offered different options you would have came up with different results. For example, instead of saying "a good chance of catching 12"" you had said "with an average size of 12" with a chance of catching 16"" the poll would have been had different results. There are allot of different combinations that could have been used that would change the results of the poll everytime. Do you know what I'm saying?

Like I said, this is not a slam against you, your poll maybe , but not you personally. I knew just from reading the poll options what your position was and the results that you wanted to achieve. If a good ol' boy like me can see it, I'm pretty sure that the talking heads at SRD will as well. I'm just sayin'.......

Dave...the last poll you posted gave you the total opposite of what you were hoping for. In other words your poll essentially agreed with the premise behind this poll.

How about start your own poll so we can get another thread started.
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