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Old 03-02-2011, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
oh so this was just a exercise in typing on the computer...maybe kinda like why so many complaints about SRD not acting fast enough...someone has to poop or get off the pot.

FF you type up a letter and I'll sign didnt mean to exclude you.
obviously anyone can type up a letter and people can decide who to back, at least its headed to the right place.

Im curious how long it would take if only 1 letter or petition was drafted because i dont believe Group A is in total aggrement about specifics.
Its quite clear group B doesnt want any changes.
p.s. ive changed my mind and am willing to conceed to vote for certain changes
Nah I was jus dorking around, been laying in this darn bed waaay too long, meds are getting to me haha. Seriously though, there are indeed some great fishminds on here that could put together a much better letter than I and if I agreed, I'd happily sign it. It may be a process to get it into the hands of the people capable of making any changes, however talking/debating the issues is a great place to start
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