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Old 03-03-2011, 09:37 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Angler attitude and education is the problem if you ask me.

So how are you proposing we keep the limit at 5 and get people to release more fish? Electric dog collars? Vigilante stick patrol to whack em? Dropping the limit or creating a size limit seems too hard for you accept? How do you presume F&W budget harvest rates with a limit of 5...high angler usage and a sign that says please don't take your limit? How does this address a problem where over stocking to please 5% of the fishing populous is ruining what could be an awesome fishery?

What attitude adjustment are you contemplating? What specific eduction program are you proposing?

Your simple statement...however sincere is causing way more questions needing to be answered before we can ascertain if it holds validity.
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