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Old 03-03-2011, 11:15 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by GaryF View Post
It's been an interesting read so far. One of the reasons that HD doesn't understand the quality viewpoint is that within 30 mins of where he lives there are 8 stocked lakes with 35,000 + trout getting pumped into it every year. The nearest stocked trout lake to me is more than an hour away, and any quality fishing is at least 2. I can see why he doesn't understand this as he doesn't need to drive very far to get to a lake with the possibility of hold overs from previous years. Heck if he wants to catch some he just needs to go to one of 2 stocked waters right in his town. I don't have that luxury as I live in Calgary. My fees go to the stocking program as well, so why shouldn't I get a body of water within 30 mins of where I live and get 35,000 fish dumped into it? Because at the current 5 a day mentality there would be no fish left in short order. Bring on special regs!!

The only way that HD would understand this viewpoint is if everytime he wanted to go fish for trout he would have to drive a minimum of 90 minutes each way, and that ppl who are closer than that have already fished it almost dry. Then the frustration would set in with the wasted money and time spent to catch nothing but 9" trout, if there are even any left for him. Soon he would be asking for a fishery near his place for trout with regs on it to delay the harvest so that fish could grow and you could catch more than just tiddlers. Until he has experienced a void of decent trout fishing for a couple of years, none of this will make sense to him.

Its good to see that SRD has created more lakes in an attempt to create quality fisheries, now lets see how they manage them.
Yes Gary, that sums my situation up very well. By Alberta fishing standards I think that I have it pretty good. If you want to expand the area that you described I guess that I have it even better. So why then, would I want to give that up?

I do understand the limitations that other people in different areas have when it comes to fishing. What I have a hard time understanding is why some fellas pm me saying that they are catching big fish in the Calgary area when other people tell me that there are no fish in that area, let alone big ones. Assuming that what they are telling me is true then why? Are they better anglers, have more opportunity to go out or have secret honey holes that no one else knows about?

As a retired military fella I've moved around allot and some places are better for fishing than others. That's just the way that it is. While posted to Germany I was fishing gravel quarries for carp because that was what was there. My posting before my last one here in Edmonton was in Petawawa, Ontario. The fishing in that area was absolutely phenomenal. Should I expect the fishery where I live now to be as good as, I don't think so. To me, trying to create another Manitoba in Alberta is somewhere along the same lines as that.
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