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Old 03-03-2011, 11:43 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I'm assuming that you are using the enclosed poll to come up with your last two statistics. Do I really need to explain to you how that is wrong on so many different levels? Maybe PETA will conduct a poll and use the results of it to support their cause to shut down all fishing in Alberta? I can see it now, out of 190 people that voted on the poll 100% chose shutting down all fishing in Alberta...........the numbers prove that this is what the people want!
Very, very good attempt at undermining the poll. However you are not matching apples to apples and explaining the results properly.

If 190 people on a PETA poll voted...that means 100% of PETA members believe that. So by your own admission...this poll is 100% outdoorsmen, hunters and of this demographic...95% voted in favour of better fishing as defined by larger fish.

It was a very shrewd attempt at deflection once again...but unfortunately it was not anywheres near the mark.

If by some reason you are saying that AOF members do not show a major trend or reflection of the group as a are surely off the mark. Opinion polls are done constantly...they list their error to within X points. For you to postulate that this poll is off by 95% or even 46% is ludicrous. It just goes to show while you are an excellent are not dealing with facts but just trying to backstop your desire to protect what you want at the expense of everyone else.

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