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Old 03-03-2011, 11:13 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Speckle55 View Post
Hey Guys/Gals Remember a lake is just like a field if you have only so much feed then your trout will only get so big if you want bigger fish you have to incease the productivty of lake by adding food for your plankton and zoology they are doing this in BC ..sceintific anglers is the way to look at certain lake's.. 1. does it have the History 2. is there potencial . 3. is the type of fish there the best for the food.. in most case's in Alberta there is little or no potencial.. so they are PUT and CATCH lakes ..ei Goverment puts in we catch No Potencial .. if you want Bigger Fish ask you goverment Fish and Wildlife Officals to Put in your lake of choice some Hen's and Male's(5 to 9 lbs) that are done the spawning process from the fish hatchery process .. Also look around the Province to see what spieces of fish do well in certain lake and areas.. do your History check ..Big Lake /Big River hold Big Fish(potencial) Are you fishing the type of fish you want big in the right area.. Alberta has a awsome fishery in the given area's its just we have such a little lake/river area when compared to other Provinces.. but hey I am just a Red Neck Albertan
Sure speckle.......bring common sense into it. Kinda like putting 1000 head of cattle on a quarter of land for the summer isn't it?

Just take a look at the Muir Lake "quality" fishery experiment. The rocket chemists got together and decided to create a "quality" lake there because SRD would let them have it and not because it was the right lake to do it in. It was a dead lake anyway and not worth stocking it so why not? It's an 80 acre slew that they are now trying to grow trophy sized fish in. Now I'm no fish doctor but I can pretty much figure out that it'll take more than a couple of aerators in a slew to keep any amount of reasonable sized fish alive in there let alone a large number of big ones.

Now that Muir Lake has failed to live up to expectations, the people that supported creating it in the first place are all pointing fingers to place the blame on why it didn't work. It's SRD fault for putting too many stocked fish in there, yada, yada, yada. We all know what the reality is though.....HEELLLOOO!

Muir Lake likely won't be shut down because it was a dead lake in the first place but there is currently a resolution to close down the "quality" fishery at Police Lake. Pro "quality" fishery fellas even openly admit that they don't consider 15 of the 17 "quality" trout fisheries in Alberta "quality" fisheries! So what's the solution they say......create more "quality" lakes.

Be happy that you're an Alberta Redneck because we're in the majority when it comes to giving up our lakes so a bunch of city fellas can try to make it easy for themselves to catch big fish.

BTW Great "outside the box" idea about putting in the big fish that are already grown to that size.
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