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Old 03-04-2011, 03:25 PM
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Bigtoad Bigtoad is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post

If you think that I want many, many easy to catch small fish then you simply haven't been paying attention. I've stated from the beginning of this thread that I'm already catching big fish and I'm keeping some of the smaller ones to eat. I also said that I live within 3 kms of the Morinville Rez where I can catch a boatload of small fish but I rarely go there. From that you perceive that I only want to fish for easy to catch small trout? Interesting.......
What Dave?!?!? You mean you drive PAST a place that is close but has lots of small fish to fish a lake farther away that has the potential to have larger fish??? That sure sounds like you're a quality not quantity guy to me

Why not stay at the Morinville res and try in vain to catch something of some size? Or just fish there for the fun of catching tons and tons of tiddlers where you don't really need any skill? Instead you drive PAST this lake and go to greener pastures???? But Dave, you do know you're going to lakes where... it is... actually easier to catch big fish than at Morinville res!!! HOW COULD YOU!!! You're turning soft on us Dave; driving farther to find "easier" fishing. How unredneck of you!

The reason you drive further is because there is better fishing somewhere else. "Better" meaning you have the chance of catching something decent (whatever that means to you). It's worth more to you than going to the Morinville res or you wouldn't drive farther.

Well Dave, imagine if the Morinville res was all you had. Every lake around you that you love and cherish because the fishing is "better" is reduced to the Morinville res. Welcome to our world buddy! That's what we get to experience! I have to drive 5 hours to find good fishing and even there, the average size has dropped dramatically over the past 3 years. Welcome also to the future Dave! The Morinville experience is what you have to look forward to on all of the other lakes that you fish unless you get off your duff and do something constructive. Don't give me this crap line of, "well, if it is about the size, then you've lost the point," when you CLEARLY value the sport of catching bigger fish more than the unsport of catching lots and lots of tiddlers.

Just because it hasn't happened there yet doesn't mean it won't and just because you aren't experiencing it, doesn't mean it's any less real for the thousands of other anglers in Alberta that do. Now come out of that quantity closet Dave and come into the light of a quality fisherman! You've already admitted that you want to. Why resist what you know to be right?

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