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Old 03-05-2011, 07:51 AM
Heron Heron is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 221

Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Ya see, now that's what I've been saying all along and everyone kept telling me that it wasn't about making it easier to catch big fish. HALLALUJA.....and the truth shall set you free brother! It only took 11 or so pages to finally get someone to admit to that one little fact. Now I wonder why people would not want to admit that creating "quality" trout fisheries was about making it easier to catch big fish?

Just a theory but..........perhaps they feel that if they did admit it then it would be admitting that they were lazy anglers that felt that fishing anywhere else was too challenging for them.
I guess I'll have to come clean here. Put me on the list of the defeated people who want to have a better chance to catch larger fish without having to drive a riduiculous distance past 6 lakes that could be decent fishing spots. I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

I think at the root some of the resentment around here is the perception that all of us on the side of delayed harvest are elitest snobby fly fisherman who just want a photo opportunity with that trophy while sporting thousands of dollars of gear. Take me off that list please. I and my children will fish anywhere for anything that swims. I work and have young children in various activities so my fishing time is limited right now. When my life brings me to visit my mother in Consort I take my children to the what use to be a settling pond to catch a few trout. Because my wife and I keep our trailer at Wabamun we fish for pike because it is handy. I know from personal experience and watching the pike threads that Wabamun is fishing fantastic now. Wonder why? No harvest. When I am obligated to meet friends at Pigeon for the weekend we go walleye fishing. None of these are my first choice but I fish where I can when I can.

Oh put my kids on the defeated list too. They would sooner catch larger fish closer to home as well.
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