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Old 03-11-2011, 01:26 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by Tosh View Post
so i ask again what lakes do you want to impose these ego stroking rules for?
I love these kind of questions on a public message board. Some people on here may have some in mind but do you really think there is an easy answer to this question. I certainly have my suggests but I would need real facts to back it up, and support. I'm no biolgist.

Tosh or Chubbdarter, can you tell me what answer to this question will do? Are you saying that it is okay to establish a trophy trout fishery but it depends on where to you? I.e. not in my neighborhood. I'm not asking to be ignorant, I'm just wanting to know.

Sun, from what I read several posts back, just wanted choices for our fisheries. Pure and simple to me but then it seems to go 12 different directions again.

I would hope as anglers that we are all really looking for the simliar experiences and the rest is just bickering on how we get there. Changes to management practices is a good thing. I have no doubt that further changes and trials are coming. That what we humans do, we try things out. Good and bad.
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