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Old 04-07-2011, 06:07 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
im not against anyones idea of pleasure....thats their choice.
here is a idea.....totally a simple mans science or accounting done

a lousy movie costs 20 bucks each now if you dont eat too much
a specialty coffee costs 8 bucks
a stinking bottle of water 3 bucks
a Mac-Chit meal 9 bucks

How many fisherman are willing to pay 250 bucks for a annual licence?
250 bucks that goes to the fisheries and not the save a crack head foundation
Maybe some realistic dreams can come true with that kind of funding.
Its my opinion the price to fish here is Good bang for your Buck....really cheap in fact.
i dont get out much anymore,( 2-3 times a year ) but if it made a differance i would pay it.
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