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Old 04-16-2011, 08:33 AM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by GaryF View Post
Where did that article come from? I find it quite amusing that it recomends the use of a boat to find the bass for the best time of the year, that being december through april. You cut and pasted it, so where is the direct link to it? As far as I can tell its a bunk article that may have had some creative editing. It sure wasn't created by a canadian writer as it is telling you to drive sometimes 100's of miles to find that large bass in alberta.

Oops, never mind the link I found it myself. Here's whats posted in the about section from it,

"This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress."

There is no link to contact "admin", every link takes you to the Word Press site that is trying to sell you a blogging program. There is no way to contact the author for his sources of information.

Here's a great quote from a credible source, Bob Izumi.

"After fishing the Niagara River for steelhead with Brent and Larry from I was off to Calgary, on behalf of Shimano Canada, for the grand opening of Bass Pro Shops’ newest store. There were a ton of people there and I used up a few Sharpies signing autographs. I had the pleasure of sitting beside Bill Dance and I’ll never forget the look on his face when I told him that there were no bass in Alberta. The first thing he did was turn to professional angler Jimmy Houston and say, “Hey Jimmy, there’s no bass in Alberta!” For the rest of the evening, I kept hearing Bill say to people, “Have you ever caught a bass?”

You are passionate about having bass in alberta, and I respect that. What I don't respect is trying to lead ppl on with false information.
I apologize I should have checked it out more. Did not realize it was a press word . Thank you for clearing that up. The only reason I posted it was because I found it interesting that it was a 2010 printing. Again I apologize if I miss lead anyone was not my intention.
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