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Old 05-04-2011, 05:25 PM
SushiUnagi SushiUnagi is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Calgary AB
Posts: 361

I had the same question last year when I started to fish.

Yeah for some reason there's a crowd that keeps on referring to walleyes as pickerels, and the worst part is, they will say you're wrong if you try to correct them. So no point arguing. Thanks to my friends on AOF as well as google, it helped steered me in the right direction about it. Just like everyone mentioned above.

Pickerels are much similar looking to Pikes than they are to Walleyes. So why they refer walleyes as pickerels instead of pikes is beyond me. They are smaller in size than pikes as I'm going to assume they are quite bony too.
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