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Old 05-04-2011, 08:54 PM
Gust Gust is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,408

In late September of 1975 I caught my first trout on a size 14 royal coachman and a bit of coathanger for a weight on the Sheep River, which was quite an accomplishment,, for you older fishermen who remember fishing the Sheep, the whitefish limit was 15 then and the shore was shoulder to shoulder and the river was charcoal gray from side to side for miles on end with rockies.

When it was netted it caused a stir and everybody said nice Dolly Varden (don't get your knickers knot) that's what bulls were called then. It was 2 lbs,, it was fried and eaten that night, it also had two previous fights hooks in its mouth. Burbot was always called Ling and the older old old timers called walleye pickeral. Of easily 1000 fish hauled that day, I caught the only trout and had I become anymore addicted to fishing, my spelling would be that of Fish Hunter7. It didn't help things later when I went to high school 50 feet from two of the best holes on the Elbow, I literally skipped school to fish, sometimes in plain view of my math teacher.
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