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Old 05-05-2011, 03:05 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by grinr View Post
Chain Pickerel are a trout eating menace in NB and NS that quickly dominate lakes where they are ILLEGALLY introduced by bucket biologists and annhialate the resident native trout populations,then they turn cannibal on themselves after they've eaten all the trout!!.....I hate them toothy bastids almost as much as I hate smallmouth,likely only because smb are more popular and more often introduced as an illegal alien by the bucket brigades.
Oh No it's the Bass thread all over again RUN SAVE YOURSELVES....Mothers hide your daughters Cover your children's ears. Your about to hear the rantings of a man possessed by the evils of BUCKET BRIGADE..... RUN....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..................... ...............
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