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Old 05-06-2011, 11:14 AM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by gatorhunter View Post
All I said was that there is a correct name for each specie. That name is recognized legally and is listed as such in various Provincial regulations. To prevent confusion, especially from newbies, it is better to use the correct name versus some local "common" name.

At 52 years of age, I grew up with the p.word and j.word instead of walleye and pike. As indicated by someone else, walleye and pike were names used by our friends to the south. However, after being formally educated and then working in this field it was very apparent to me that using the correct word was the appropriate thing to do.

I can also state that the last couple of generations of Manitobans have embraced the correct names of these fish species. Even some old guys like my 88 year old father call them walleye and pike!

Lakers, bows, browns, eyes, pike, etc. are all common/local names for various species but they retain a relationship to the fish's real name and specie.

Whereas pickerel are a totally different specie than walleye and jack is a salt water specie unlike pike.

This is not elitism! It's keeping things correct and simple!
Well at 54 years of age I know if someone call a fish a jack a northern or a gator he's talking about pike If he's calling a fish a pickerel a marble eye or a yellow pickerel he's talking walleye.Now you tell me is it simpler to say yes that is a nice --------- .Or is it simpler to waste both our time an get us both aggravated as we fight over the name of the fish we both know..... apparently your idea of simple is SIMPLY not the same as mine.
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