Thread: Barbless Hooks
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:44 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
does a barbed hook directly result in fish moratlity....i dont know
But im quite sure its speeds the release of a hooked fish
Heres a simple experiment for everyone to try. Go to your tackle box and get two number 4 trebles...1 fully barbed and the other de-barbed. Drive both hooks into your body, you pick the spot i dont think it matters as long as both hooks are in the same area.
Get a friend to try remove the hooks for you...You squirm and flop like a fish
Now time how long each takes to remove the hook
Two years ago at (payne lake-ironically), I was trolling some small raps and other cranks(barbs were pinched). Fishing was a little slow so I had about 8 small cranks tangled up in a messy ball. So I thought I would separate and pinch the barbs. Was wearing sweat pants, anyway looked up to see the largest rainbow of the day jumping behind the boat so I dropped the mess of cranks beside me and proceeded to have a tug of war with the bow. After a quick release. Wiped my hand on the pants - ouch the ball of cranks had stuck to my pants. All My cranks get their hooks changed out to premium hooks. And I managed to get my fingers into a couple. Had to remove my pants to sort out andclear my hand from the pants.

Now I removed all hooks but one that was burried to the bend(last joint middle finger). And yes it still had the barbs(they all did). Quick twist with the pliers and it was out!

Did it hurt - or course but removal was still quick(quick twist with the pliers). And I did the removal myself.

Fighting another fish within 5 minutes of removal

Education on fish handling could alleviate much of the mortallity rates.

I also see nobody touching the baitless comment, so I guess none of you use bait(good on you). That makes your comments about being easier on the fish and such more valid.
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