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Old 05-30-2011, 03:15 PM
Braun Braun is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
This is where we'll have to disagree. We are not F&W. We are not sketch artists. We're a fishing community and quite frankly, we don't need need a race description for every poaching activity. I'm sorry that you cannot see how irrelevant a race description is on a fishing forum. It serves zero purpose on this forum, except to spread stereotypes. If you can describe just 1 purpose a race description has on this forum, I'd be happy to eat my words.

Also, I've said this many times, but I do not find the word Asian to be offensive and I embrace what I am. If you can't feel the hostility and ignorance by some members of this forum, then there's nothing else I can say. You choose to ignore the words/actions of the idiots out there and ask me to grow thicker skin... interesting.
Oh im not disagreeing with you that strictly based upon a report of a fishing forum that it does not service any purpose to provide a ethnicity in a poacher report. heck. it is does not service any purpose to post a poacher report when you use that logic. its not going to help my fishing nor is to going to help me make a decision on tactics I will use to fish. Just like someone posting on facebook that they are eating mcdonalds or "feeling blaH" or my favorite "Mmmmm". but yet people post them. People post on this site to rant, to talk to others, to fill a social void that they do not get to fill other wise because of location, schedule or whatever ever. And true some use it to stir the pot and be a bonehead.

My point is that alot of things are irrelevant and technically serve no purpose. One of those things is like you say, reporting ethnicity in a poaching report. However reporting a poacher on this thread serves no purpose either. We are not CO's or fish and wildlife (as you had stated) so we are not going to investigate a poacher account. so therefore why do people even post them? I dono, Why do people think I care what they ate, how they feel or what they are doing? (if you cant tell I am definitely not a facebook user. I'm on there but I never Check my profile or others for that matter) This forum is a blogging tool. People write here as I mentioned, To serve some social purpose regardless of relevancy to how the fishing is, what I caught X fish on, and how do I rig a worm. Just like facebook, If you feel it is irrelevent that certain information is disclosed on here, you have the option to 1. not reply. 2. not use this forum

as you stated. Everyone has the right to write what they wish. If they want to make a poaching report, thats their right. If they want to include a description of the individual they saw poaching, thats their right. Do they have the right to be racist about that description no but some people choose to do so anyways. and you know what 90% of people on this forum don't do that. but to say that they should not be allowed to include that detail if they so choose to give a poaching report is censorship. unfortunately I believe the world does need more censorship in alot of ways. but this is not one of them. If you don't like hearing people including it regardless of their tone, you may choose one of the above mentioned options. Otherwise you must await under your bridge to attack those who actually make racist comments rather than fight the use of the word itself
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