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Old 05-30-2011, 11:24 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
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Originally Posted by Mudslide View Post

Besides: We wouldn't have copper wire if two Scotsmen hadn't got into a tug of war over a penny: now would we?
LOL Good one! I never heard that one before!

And a hearty welcome to you BeeGuy.
Oh, and by the way, I do agree with most if not all of your OP.
It is a good topic, and a good OP.
Well done!

Poaching is scourge that must be eliminated, and I agree that confrontation is not the way to do that.
The way I see it, law enforcement officers be they Police, Game Wardens or Forest Wardens, are hired on our behalf to do that job. They have the training and the resources, I don't. Yet it is in my best interests to do what I can to assist or at least, not hinder their efforts. After all, they do work us, and I am part of us.

If I don't agree with what they do or how they do it, it seems to me that the thing to do is for me to get politically involved. Making life hard for them or simply sitting and complaining does me no good, and it sure doesn't help solve the problem. (If indeed there is one.)

As to racist remarks. They do exist, on this site.
My way of dealing with such remarks is to address the intended target with the utmost respect. I figure that doing so makes it clear I do not support such language or attitudes without my being drawn into a foolish debate about who said what.
You see, many racists are really just bullies that use words. And all bullies love to argue, but they get very nervous when no one supports them because all bullies are also cowards.

I'm not sure what you were trying to say with your comments about a persons past sins. Shooting a Sparrow ext.
I do hope you didn't mean that one should not say anything if they had a less then perfect past.

If however, you were saying that one should consider their own past and not act too high and mighty, yet still should take appropriate action, then I agree wholeheartedly. In fact I would say that is very very good advice. For those who would accept it.

Never mind that shooting a House Sparrow is legal, I got your point well enough. And you are right, at least in my case, I have done some things that were not legal. Speeding for one. Yeah I know that's not a game law, but broken laws are like weeds, where one is many others will soon grow.
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