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Old 05-31-2011, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
Lefty-Canuck Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Bonemont, Alberta
Posts: 911


Originally Posted by GustavMahler Sorry FH7, but I took one of your longer posts and tried autocorrect in Word and it couldn't correct or even guess some of the words. You should consider a career in cryptoanalytics,, you could write the cyphers, they're stealth proof,, al Qaida would take up sipping scotch to figure out your codes and eventually take up fishing out of pure confusion.

.......GM where have you been? the guy has a lifetime ban lol and we all still hack on him.....although he is probably sitting around with a few garden gnomes, sipping mojitos, counting his wifes huge tax return, and pumping iron to figure out how to find and get back at all of us.....

dangit...wrong again!
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