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Old 06-01-2011, 04:49 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
For decades we as tax payers have been providing the means for native peoples to help themselves (can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink). As previously stated, some actually use these means to do well for themselves. however some attempt to abuse the system. you can find individuals in every race where this can be explained. However, in my experience in talking to some first nations people, this is quite often abused. In no way do I believe it is genetic. However, I believe there is a major cultural distortion in play. In conversation with the mentioned first nations people, He himself says that the reservations, quite often, are the world place for a native individual to be because of the cultural attitude is easy to be sucked in. He went on to provide me vivid example of some of the actions he witnesses on a regular basis and stated that that is the reason he chooses to live in the city and for a period of time chose to live in the drop in center in calgary when he could have lived in housing on the reservation.
I should state for clarification to ensure no mis-interpretation of my "lack of compassion". I am a very firm believer of helping society out and helping out individuals. Be it past wrong doing of a country against a native population, a drug / alcohol addict, or a person who just made some mistakes. However, I am also a firm believer that said assistance should be warranted through the actions of the individual. I also speak this as a person who is dealing with the outfall of poor decisions. I would not expect anyone to be willing to help me if I had no desire to help myself. I also deal with individuals on occasion (family members) with alcohol addictions. If they do not want to help themselves, Then my help is wasted and would be better suited for someone who does want to help themselves. Otherwise its just another hand out to support abuse. In my opinion this should be a world wide standard. Unfortunately, some individuals believe that because they are hard up, others should jump to help them up so they can be back to their own selves. I believe this has more to do with a change in social responsibility within a culture. People make mistakes. People need help. But if they dont want to use that help to better themselves, their situation, or their community. then there are better uses of that help.
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