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Old 06-01-2011, 11:09 PM
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Kokanee9 Kokanee9 is offline
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
Lol, well now you've gone and done it. I can't sleep anymore.

For a guy who self-proclaims compassion, you sure do a whole lot of whining towards generations of people that have been abused and broken. You whine of tax dollars, fishing rights, blah, blah blah...

Here's a clue, but you'll never understand, because the only person that matters to you is you. Knowing that natives got the shaft and have been suffering for generations and are now in a state where a recovery will be generations away (if ever)... how in the world can you sit there and go on and on about changes that only benefit you? You talk about give and take, but every suggestion you make takes from the natives...

It's pointless talking to you, but I can't help myself. You'll probably write another massive essay of nonsense and then whine that I didn't respond to every point you made.

No go cry on your girlfriend's shoulder and tell her that I hurt your feelings again on this forum.
I'm not even involved and my inner feelings got hurt.
Don't be a Skippy!
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