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Old 06-02-2011, 01:12 PM
densa44 densa44 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: North of Cochrane
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Smile Maui

Feathers X's2. There are 2 harbours that I know of on the South side, the one near the park is the largest and closest to where they fish. I'd negotiate with the boys on the dock, so you don't have to pay the agent in L.A. a fee. We went with "Start me up" and they were very nice, we has 2 boats (a wedding party) and the water was ROUGH, it it hadn't have been for the Bomine I would not have made it.

Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

Ohau was bottom fishing for 6 inch fish broad side to a running sea and all the sports were sick, me too. I don't recommend that on at all.

Have fun and buy those orange pills as soon as the plane lands.
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