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Old 06-28-2011, 07:18 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by Granrey View Post
Sorry man, be patience with me. I'm new into fishing.

Ok, lets say the kids are fishing. My kid caught and kept 5 and I caught and kept 5. Thats 5 over the limit right?

I dont see a difference between I caught 10 with two rods and say my kid caught and kept 5 and I caught and kept 5. That's still 5 over the limit.

I'm not interested in poaching but I dont see how taking your kid is back door to increase your daily limit.
you are over 16, you need a license, you buy a license, you can keep 5 fish that day, your kid is under 16, he doesnt need a license, he catches 5 fish that day, you take home 10 fish, get mercury poisoning, and everyone goes to bed full. all legal
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