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Old 06-28-2011, 08:37 PM
TheKi TheKi is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 849

Originally Posted by Tosh View Post
give the kid a break. did he break the rules?..yes, did he not understand the regs?...yes. is it the end of the world?...NO. he made a simple mistake and now thanks to all of your smart as* remarks he knows better. my advice to you is make sure both you and your dad understand the regs in the water you are fishing before you head out. try some big stoneflys, bounce em on the bottom if you need some pm me and i will give ya some good ones. have fun fishing with your dad its the best father son time you will ever get.
so what fake bate counts as live bate
KCCO from a loyal Chiver
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