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Old 06-29-2011, 05:03 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
What do you think there was in there,,, burbot, suckers and sturgeon (though they tend towards the deeper warmer climes of the Bow), pike, walleye, numerous little darters. what were the introduced.

While I've decided to hijack this thread,,,, does anyone recall a sturgeon being noted at Carseland, this would be back late 70's,,, and you were allowed to keep sturgeon then (36 inches and over) so "bucketing" a sturge from forks island could of very well happened (car trunks then were the size of the fountains of Florence). Anyone remember, anyone?
why wouldnt they be at Carseland? They live a long time, and there were probably quite a few of them upstream before the dams were built. I would be more surprised if there werent any that far up, just because no one sees them doesnt mean there arent any in there.
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