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Old 06-30-2011, 02:43 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
Now now Sunny, I just fried up a trout last Sunday. First fish I've caught and eaten in a couple years. I'm just reacting to a statement that sounded an awful lot like I hear anti's say... "You don't need to hunt. There are grocery stores". I know the poster didn't mean no taking of game ever. We just need to stop making THAT statement.

I hear ya. There are fanatics on all sides. I have not read anywheres where in anyone said we should not harvest any fish or wildlife in Alberta. If there was is rare and therefore I don't see the need to blow it out of proporation is all.

Most people these days know that to have fish to have to put some back. How many that some is depends upon is it stocked or natural and what level of harvest can be supported without crashing the population.

Jimboy I am sure realizes that in the end.
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