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Old 07-02-2011, 10:03 PM
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Daceminnow Daceminnow is offline
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Originally Posted by RedHeadedFisherman View Post
because of all those on this thread that are negitive!!!

hope your never in a simular situation,. but if youever find youur self in one,..



really? what do you expect from a bunch of old crusty fisherman? question for you Red. why do you insist on posting your misfortunes and miss adventures on a fishing forum? because you were near a body of water? i get cut off driving my truck through the city ever week, sometimes even on a bridge over waters i fish. would i post this on a fishing forum? for what? don't you have a facebook or tweeter account you can abuse? i don't get it. sorry about your lunch, could be a blessing in disguise. if your mac sat in your van all day the secret sauce was probably ready to turn. most likely avoided a nasty case of food poisoning. nice to hear you caught fish as well. save sharing the rest of your antics for some other social media.
