Thread: Sheep Part 3
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Old 02-15-2010, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
Maybe im totaly wrong on the population thing but if so can you please tell me then how come many sheep winter pastures have alot less sheep than in the past just because there is no unbiased factual or revelent data stating there is a population problem there is also non that states that there isnt one!!!
Traditional knowledge and direct observations are valid - no argument from me there. Surely the government has annual winter range counts of those same areas, no ? What about for wolves ?

My concern, as is that of many, is that the onus must be on government to prove to us, the people of Alberta, how reducing hunter opportunity is going benefit anything other than APOS and related special interest groups? Why is SRD pushing hunter restrictions, while blatantly ignoring the basic widlife management principles of predator control and habitat management. Can you agree that something is seriously conflicting with that approach ?
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