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Old 02-26-2011, 05:57 PM
ctd ctd is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 2,380

Whats the real problem behind allowing cross bows? A large portion of the bow hutners out there seem to be using a bow that if you turn it side ways would be the same as using a cross bow. The skill level for using both proficiently is about the same, they both shoot arrows and they both use a stiring under tension to propel their arrow.

To me most of the bow hunting equipment should not be considered primitative anyways, so really it is a loosing arguement. I think the bow season/ primitive season should encompass Muzzle loader/bow and cross bow. But it should be with restrictions on each for variables as min and max string weight and velocities. This would be bring the season more inline with what is about and not just an extended season for who ever wants it to be with a heavily modified weapon.

To each their own. I also think you should get your tag and have most of the year to full fill it. but thats me
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