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Old 01-08-2011, 08:54 PM
dgl1948 dgl1948 is offline
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Police are prohibited from voicing publicly any opposition (or support) for anything political
That did not stop the Police Chiefs when it came to Bill C368

Remember that the police do not create laws or hand down punishments for breaking laws. They only enforce laws. They gather whatever evidence is available and present it to the Crown. The courts- judges and lawyers (crown and defence) and our governments are responsible for the system breaking down as it has. So many criminals are getting off lightly because the system is overloaded. Not enough prosecutors, not enough space in remand centers, not enough money to afford to put criminals away like they deserve. We give criminals 2 for 1 credit for time spent in remand waiting for trial or case resolution. We have Justices of the Peace that appear to be under instruction to ensure that only the most dangerous criminals be sent to remand. They award cash bail (or even no-cash bail) to many that should not be released pending trial. Ä great number of these that are released are given conditions to abide by and usually are found in breach within a few days of release. These are usually the criminals that commit property crimes to support drug addictions and to fund gang activities.

If we want to begin to fix these issues (property crimes as related to this thread), we need to make wholesale changes at the federal and provincial level. We need room to take convicted criminals of the street. We need support from the citizens of Canada to lobby the feds to allow the courts to strengthen jail sentences. We need cash injected in the prosecutorial system. both to increase the numbers of prosecutors as well as the quality. In some judicial districts in rural Alberta, 3 or 4 prosecutors will handle in excess of 15,000- 18,000 criminal charges per year!!! It's no wonder so many deals get made in court and so many criminals are back on the street to continue their ways
If the Police Chiefs would stand up and fight for some of these changes as hard as they fought against C368 we may get somewhere. They seemed to be vary vocal with supporting the registry that only effects the law abiding citizen and does nothing to stop the real problems we are having.

Bigd, these comments are not directed at you, I feel for the front line people that have to deal with the same individuals over and over again because the courts do not.
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