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Old 12-08-2019, 03:40 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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Originally Posted by RO CC View Post
It sounds like cold smoking, so could you please ask your folks, how did they manage to avoid the sawdust/chips from catching on fire?! Please!!

Pack the sawdust down (fairly tight) in a 5 gal steel bucket ( 1/3 full of sawdust and 2/3 air above it) and seal the lid tight (not quite airtight actually but we snapped the lid on tight). There was a small "slot" cut into the bottom of the bucket maybe an inch up and we placed a plug in element in there to get the saw dust going (like a hot cherry on a cigar) then pulled the element out.

The smoke would smolder out the cracks around the lid and draw in what little air it could get from where the element went in.

I think it just couldn't get enough air to ignite I'm thinking.

You would get hours of smoke from this.

I don't ever recall it going up in flames.

Keep in mind our set up was a 4x7 cinder block room. If your structure or smoker was smaller, maybe a paint tin is big enough.

Last edited by EZM; 12-08-2019 at 03:58 PM.
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