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Old 03-20-2024, 01:48 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 3,977

The NDP rank and file AND their MPS are still mad about the turn coat behaviour of the Liberals on the GAZA File.

Jagmeet has had the taste of power, and likes it.

He knows that if there is an election, alot of Liberal Votes will translate into NDP votes. All the NDP has to do is stand up to Trudeau.

The NDP knows that if the Liberals get a chance to re group under a new leader, the NDP will lose alot of seats and any chance of influence.

As for Quebec, the Carbon Tax exemption to Atlantic Canada is an insulting handout that Quebec did not share in (Quebec home heating is only 4 % on heating oil and 78 % on electricity). Quebecers hate when someone else gets favours and they do not.

Don't expect the Bloc to bail out Trudeau when their people will get hammered at the gas pumps on April 2. The Bloc does not want Liberal or NDP inroads on their support base.

There is a way that both the Block Quebecois and the NDP can save face, and not take any blowback from the membership on the Carbon Tax increase: Both parties allow a "free vote" for their MP's. The MP's will not suffer any individual criticism. No one will know who voted for or against it.

7 Premiers leading 7 Provinces will have alot of influence on the MP's in a "free vote" scenario.

Now lets hope that we are not all made into "APRIL FOOLS" by the NDP and the Bloc.

Their support of Trudeau would be the cruelest April Fools prank of all.

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