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Old 01-22-2020, 09:29 PM
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bloopbloob bloopbloob is offline
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I don't know why this one has my attention so much.... Something is setting off alarms for me. Didn't get that with SARS or H1N1, swine flu, or bird flu, this one seems different....

High population density, combined with apparent ease of transmission, timed with mass migration, and high mutation rate of the coranovirus. 2-4 days for symptoms to even show up. At a current 3.4% death rate in those infected as reported (SARS was 10%), but the % keeps rising.... Nothing too extreme yet, but the potential is there for this to blow up. Glad to hear they locked out the city. 11 million people in Wuhan, and averages 30,000 people flying in and out every day
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