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Old 04-08-2013, 03:54 PM
Kawibunga Kawibunga is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 447

OK some of these gave me the heebeejeebee! Particularly the one from Tree and the tracks......

I don't really have one of my own but I do have this. I've always believed there were things one can not explain through traditional science but have not experienced anything like it though besides dejavu and the hair on your neck rising while in certain areas out in the bush. (I think dejavu is some sort of quantum physics effect )

Anyways we're on vacation in PEI doing a drive along the coast. The wife and I stop to check out an old grave yard for kicks. Nothing really to note, old graves from the 1800s, probably as many kids as adults. Tough times them days....

Back in the car on the road we start talking about it and the topic of ghosts come up. My 8 year old pipe up that he's seen a ghost. I asked how did he know it was a ghost. He says that he could see through them. I say them? where? He says school trip to Heritage Park, he saw a mother changing a baby. Now my oldest boy, unlike his younger brother, can not tell a lie, but I still think ya, that's nice but don't give it much thought.

Fast forward to Halloween this year, I'm reading the Calgary Sun at work and come across an article about hauntings in town. I peruse through it until the end, where it mentions the one particlar building in Heritage Park (can't remember which one now) where people have reported seeing a lady and a baby..... I just about fell off my chair.

I tore the article out and took it home and gave it to my wife saying " here read this, kind of neat" ......... she thinks nothing is up until there end where she has to sit down.

I'm no longer much of a skeptic
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