Thread: Poacher!!
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Old 07-31-2018, 04:17 PM
RiverBandit RiverBandit is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 6
Default Be careful Bill

Hey Bill glad there are people like you that really have such a high respect for nature and what is right.However here is a true story about what can happen when good people try and do what seems to be the right thing to do.Summer of 2014 my uncle was floating down the Red Deer River and came upon a group of guys pickers rig fishing along shore,beer cans and garbage everywhere he claims,there jet boat parked along the bank.My uncle bless his heart is a real good guy but is a hot head.He decides to come to shore and he claims he was real pollute and said he warned them about bait fishing and says he told them they should pick up there garbage.Im sure he wasn't polite lol.Anyways one of the guys bait fishing puts down his fishing rod and says he's going to the boat to get a garbage bag to pick the cans up.Then the unthinkable happens,he grabs a rifle and points it at my uncle and tells him grab the bag and start picking up there own garbage.Police were called and police report filled out but no bad guys ever got caught.Be careful man
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