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Old 01-01-2018, 11:22 AM
smitty9 smitty9 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 702

Originally Posted by Cal R. View Post
Hey Don, Happy New Year.
I have to agree with you here, there are a multitude of other factors at play and being ignored…as per usual.
Now you know how us quad guys feel. Welcome to our dumpster of bogus science.
Like your angling groups, the fish and gamers; we too have held up our end of the deal.
Closure remains the management tool of choice and now being applied to our fisheries.
But fear not, within this new closure plan is bunch of access restrictions to be implemented…
So we won’t be able to get to fishing holes anyway unless you have good set of knees…and I do not...and kind of afraid of the bears and cougars.
Except the difference is Cal, is that Don, myself, and many many others of the angling community - let's call it the vast majority - understand that anglers are one variable, and we do have an impact on fish populations. We simply feel the government is over-reacting and over-reaching in terms of assigning impacts unfairly attributed to angling, while other factors are being ignored, or, at least, diminished / minimized. In other words, we are able to hold a mirror up to ourselves.

Whereas and unlike many in the OHV community - and yes, I've seen the threads on Facebook et al - who adopt a circle-the-wagons, ostrich-head-in-the sand mentality and attitudes and refuse to accept hardly ANY responsibility for their impacts.

And there is a significant difference there. If that seems harsh, so be it. Despite the fact there are good citizens in the OHV community willing to hold said mirror, and understand that they have to be part of the solution, their viewpoints are being obliterated by selfish users who ignore science and couldn't care less about their impact. Unfortunately, even a handful of quadders can cause significant damage and undo alot of the solid work OHV groups have done in terms of trail building and education.
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