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Old 05-28-2020, 11:43 AM
CptnBlues63 CptnBlues63 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by wind drift View Post
Prime Minister? What would he have to do with a provincial park?
Good question, it's what I was told. Like I said, I'm looking for info and I think I found it thanks to Dreski.

Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck View Post
The PP has been closed for camping for the season, but the issue is the day use area.

When the cut backs were announced, there was the very subtle statement that the Province was looking to the Counties to operate a number of parks, such as Calling Lake.

MD is saying they will not operate it. MD of Opportunity already operates Rock Island and it is a money loser.

To operate Calling Lake PP would be a big undertaking, with no revenue for day use. MD has Ben Auger Park, Jeramy Nipishank Park, the Cultural Grounds, etc, that they already operate. Boat Launch at Ben Auger in any event.

Just getting a contractor to haul away fish guts and garbage, and clean outhouses, would be a big and expensive job.

With the traffic, I cannot understand why someone does not set up a concession and bait shop, with coffee and pop and ice cream, at the boat launch. The Contract could require the concession operator to do the garbage clean up in exchange.

Cannot say more on the issue. What I can recommend is that Sh*t rolls downhill. Contact the Premier's Office and tell the assistant that this is a ridiculous situation and he just lost your vote.

This all makes sense. Sad but, makes sense. I couldn't agree more about a bait/coffee shop. I also think it would be a good idea to charge a boat launch fee. Maybe something like $5 per or have a season price.

A couple years back my bro from back home in Saskatoon was up fishing with me and he commented on how crappy the launch in the park is. I couldn't agree more. He mentioned that a lot of lakes in SK are now charging a boat launch fee to cover the cost of upkeep on their launches. I think it's a terrific idea. I do not mind in the least supporting my favorite passtimes (make that "passions") and this would be a good way to do it. I know a lot of folks wouldn't agree. But I think it's every bit as good an idea as putting up a coffee/concession/bait shop.

As for the day use idea........the Alberta Parks website has a big red banner on the Calling Lake page stating it's open for day use. But upon asking the kid I got on the phone about that he told me that banner appears on every page and it's wrong as far as Calling Lake goes.........he said Calling Lake is closed until further notice.

Thanks for the info Drew, I've only ever been to the Ben Auger boat launch one time about a decade ago.........I'm pretty sure I'll find it no problem. Now if the weather would just cooperate......................
It matters not how straight the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

***William Henley***
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