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Old 12-12-2022, 11:47 AM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
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great minds I was going to test float it this morning then realized I used latex primer so I recoated it with the good stuff, I will paint it then do the weights I guess, I can always recover the spot when its right. still no clue how it will swim with smaller fins but thats part of the learning and fun for me anyways. I have a new carving book waiting for me at the post office and some new carving knives on the way, Im thinking a couple more practice fish then maybe I will do more detailed details , but then again if the mammas like it theres no point getting too fancy Ive seen them chomp down on a 2x4 and it wasnt pretty!. but then again if its a 40 pounder Id be quite happy to hang that decoy on the wall!

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