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Old 03-22-2018, 12:00 PM
Gerry Gerry is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Onoway, Alberta Beach
Posts: 604

A teen-ager comes home late from school and is asked by his parents why.
“I made love to my girlfriend on the way home.”
“I’m really disappointed in you, but for telling the truth, here’s some money for a milk shake.”
The next day, the boy came home late again, and this time he confessed to making love to one of the neighbor’s wives. “Well at least you’re still honest, here’s some money for a milk shake.”
On the third day he walks into the house late again and proudly explains that he had stayed after school to make love to his teacher.
As his mother begins to scold him, his father picks up a frying pan, “Don’t hit him.” his mother pleads, “At least he told the truth.”
“Hit him, hell, I’m going to cook him a steak. How long do you think he can keep this up on those lousy milk shakes?”
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