Thread: Why Trout??
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Old 08-14-2012, 03:22 PM
Heavy K Heavy K is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 267
Default trout? Well...

Trout hang out in the areas where I like to hang out. Pike, walleye, and perch don't. When Walleye start hammering a perfectly matched fly, perfectly drifted over the surface of a perfect feeding lie on a perfect mountain stream nine hours into the backcountry, then I'll fish for them too.

I'm not so sure if I'd characterize a 20+ inch rainbow making several three foot out of the water on the end of your leader as a poor fighter, but I'm probably not the best poised to make that distinction.

If you think trout taste like chit, you should stop fishing in dugouts or maybe you should work on your cooking skills.

You fish for Walleye, and I'll fish for trout. Good times for all, and all for perfectly good reasons!

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