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Old 03-10-2014, 11:00 AM
bergman bergman is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 466
Default Mammoth!

People used to hunt mammoths with atlatls. No Joke: MAMMOTHS. And they did so very effectively, even in Alberta (St. Mary's lake, near Lethbridge has mammoth kill sites with atlatl points found)

There is no question that they are indeed lethal hunting tools. Good on you! I have only ever thrown a few times, and not very well, but it is definitely a very enjoyable and thrilling activity.

I can't believe the ABA is trying to ban these - why should a bowhunters association have any say at all over other styles of hunting? Next they might as well try to ban shotgun zones because they are too savage for the general public and might decrease public opinion of the noble bowhunter.

(For what its worth, I also am a bowhunter, and a rifle hunter; I am in favour of any legal means of hunting and have this silly idea that no group of hunters should be able to outright ban a different style of hunting just because they have a "strong" opinion on the subject. If that continues to its philosophical end, hunting will be no more. Because you cannot please everyone. Someone will always "take offense". I am allowed to offend people. It is my right. They have the right to be offended. Offending someone is not morally wrong, nor is it a crime, although our 'politically correct' society tries its best to make it that way.)
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