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Old 11-22-2012, 12:19 AM
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BlackHeart BlackHeart is offline
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Originally Posted by steelhead View Post
The way I see it, Klein paved the way for his successors to do anything they want without public consultation. Just like he did. And, just like many of the things you mentioned, they are doing it just like Klein did. And the voters gave them, and him the power to do that.

Basing budgets on oil. Once he left, oil tanked for his successor creating a rather large deficit. If he remained in power for those times, it would have happened to him. I'm sure he saw that coming.

Klein promised and end to health care premiums. The next in line dumped the premiums, and oil tanked. Creating an even bigger deficit. Stelmac followed Kleins party line and it created a deficit. Of course, other provinces use sales tax to pay for health care, but not for Klein, he gambled with oil. I'm sure they realize now that gambling on oil doesnt work as they are thinking sales tax. How else are we going to make that money back? More gambling?

Closed door party meetings? Didnt Klein create those? Of course his party is going to do the same thing now. Its how he made it. Its the party line. You let him do it before, his successors will keep doing it. Think potato gate. Who knew? Or property rights? Transmission lines.

This ALL has to do with Klein. All the way. If he was still in, this deficit would be happening to him. The drunken gambler knew when to fold em. The table went cold, and the next gamblers had no choice but to play the loosing streak.

Then, making it illegal to run a deficit? Holy flipperooney guys!! I bet that kept the voters voting for PC. What an absolutely silly law! You actually bought that one?

Yes, it is him that did this to our province, and the ripple effect is still spreading on the water.

This is the PC's YOU created by voting the drunk. This is what YOU wanted from your PC's as you voted him majorities letting him do whatever he wants. And now, this is the PC's you get to run our province now. Everything that the party and its leaders are doing now are exactly what he did, but it was ok for him to do it, cause he was a nice guy with personality.

Thanks for the sales tax Klein voters! Thats what you voted for. And you will have no say when they bring it in. Thats how Klein set it up. people have no say in anything, anymore in this province.

Such a great party you let him create. Just wonderful!

Isnt there also hundreds of millions in unpaid royalties out there? Thats right, the PCs overlook that. Just like Klein did.

Fix that! Not a chance. You cant buy back everything he sold off to create a Zero deficit. Now we will just keep paying for what we sold. Paying being the key word.

Yah were paying allright. Just like they want us to do.

Are you from BC?
You have such a hard-on going for Klien, that your short of blood supply to the brain.
Get off.
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