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Old 01-30-2018, 09:22 AM
kw12 kw12 is offline
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Posts: 460

Originally Posted by bluetick View Post
FFS so many off topic answers ! The biscuit is fine at whatever range you want to shoot for hunting .
If your a competition shooter don't even consider it .
as far as noise what is all the bs about silencing it , your more likely to scare an animal with your movement and not a small brushing sound of a biscuit rest .
Drop aways have their place and hunting isn't one of them if your a stalk and hunt kind of guy. Biscuit all the way
I love amateurs giving advice to amateurs but you will only ever be an amateur if you don't try and experience this stuff for yourself .
That’s gotta be the craziest post on this thread. Speaking of amateurs lol I have never used anything but a drop away and I have never had an issue. I spot and stalk and still hunt 99% of the time with a drop away. If you prefer a whisker then have at it but I’ll take the drop away 100% of the time no questions ask.
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