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Old 01-29-2011, 10:37 AM
Badgerbadger Badgerbadger is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 2,187

I don't see the big issue.

One has to pay for what one uses, right? If you buy beer, you pay for what you buy. If you get gas for your car, you can decide what type of vehicle you want so you get the best gas mileage.

With the advent of bittorrenting, netflix, etc. it puts more demands on the infrastructure required to provide internet service. It's like having more cars on the road. When there's a lot of traffic, maybe you need to widen the road, or do more maintenance on it, or whatever.

This may actually help level the playing field and drive costs down, because if the "big guys" have to add infrastructure to provide decent service, 'small' providers may find it cost effective to get in to the market using state of the art equipment off the bat.

I don't work for the industry, but I know when my neighbours download their movies and play their xbox online. It comes down to what you use your internet for, and how much you're willing to pay to do so.
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